David S. Stone ’74 Tree House Fund

David Stone '74 working on the treehouse

The Start of the Tree House Fund

After closing campus due to political unrest in the Spring of 1970, Middlebury College reopened just in time to welcome the incoming class of 1974, hoping these fresh faces would bring a new wave of campus normalcy with them. David Stone ‘74, and four of his classmates – John Abbott, Dan Flanagan, Tucker Swan, and Craig Severance built an elaborate tree house on the edge of campus. They would become known as the “Tree House Five.” 

The two-story tree house constructed on the Ralph Myhre Golf Course soon became a landmark for the Middlebury community. 

When David passed away at the age of 51 of a heart attack, his family and classmates created the David S. Stone ’74 Tree House Fund in his memory. Today, the Tree House Fund is housed at the Elizabeth Hackett Robinson ’84 Innovation Hub where the fund encourages tangible creative projects done in the spirit of collaboration that enrich and inspire not only the participants, but other students and the community as well.

Tiffany Stowe, Associate Director of Gift Planning

To support the Tree House Fund and future student projects, please visit this giving page and denote “Tree House Fund” in the comments section.

For questions about contributions in support of the David S. Stone ’74 Tree House Fund, please contact Tiffany Stowe, Associate Director of Gift Planning, at tjstowe@middlebury.edu.

Explore this website to discover the story of the Tree House, and the legacy it has left behind in the form of the David S. Stone ’74 Tree House Fund. We also welcome those who attended Middlebury in the 70’s to contribute their memories of the Tree House to be shared with your fellow classmates.