The Tree House Story
In October 2023, two of the Tree House Five – Dan Flanagan and Tucker Swan – joined members of the Innovation Hub team on a nostalgic walk through Ralph Myrhe Golf Course and recalling stand-out memories of their time at Middlebury spent in a tree house, creating a legend.
"It was a landmark and will now become a legend."
A year after their graduation, the Tree House Five received this letter from Dean Erica Wonnacott about a detrimental fire that had brought an end to their beloved tree house. However, as Wonnacott highlights, the tree house is a legend to be remembered in Middlebury history for decades to come.
A History of the Tree House as told by Dan Flanagan
Last fall five freshmen decided they had come to Vermont for fresh air – [two] were from Jersey – that the confinement of Hepburn and Stewart Halls was too much like home, and that what their Goethean souls required was a forest eyrie.
The Tree House Diary and Timeline
The students constructing the tree house kept track of expenses and work in a battered Middlebury notebook. In addition to accounting for material expenses, these notes give us some insights into the builders’ and visitors’ daily thoughts.
Click here for an in depth look at the diary with some selected transcribed quotes.